The Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, the ZIPOM Center - Center for Advocacy and Information on the Rights of Children and Youth, which works under the auspices of the Association of Friends of Youth of Slovenia, in cooperation with the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia and the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana prepared consultation called Child in family conflict.
It was held on May 14, 2015, at the Red Hall of the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana.
At the consultation, in cooperation with representatives of the professional public, civil society and competent state authorities, we wanted to identify and evaluate how they could improve the situation of children when they find themselves in a family dispute as their weakest link.
We wanted to highlight the different stages of family dispute, in which children are often only a means of achieving the goals of one of their parents, whose voice is rarely heard and even rarely taken into account.We also wanted to get acquainted with examples of good practice and on this basis to formulate proposals that the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with the ZIPOM Center will try to establish in cooperation with the competent ministries or bodies and organizations and with the support of non-governmental organizations and civil society.
Parents, non-governmental organizations, social work centers, courts, mediators, advocates of children, experts, lawyers and other experts working in various areas of exercising children's rights were invited to participate the consultation. A representative of the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities informed us about the planned activities in the actual realization of children's rights in the areas under consideration.
Findings and recommendations of the participants of the consultation (in Slovene only)
The Council of Europe is very intensively involved in the issue of how to provide child-friendly justice. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted the Guidelines for child-friendly justice. Guidelines are translated, you can access them here.
The European Union is also paying increasing attention to this issue. It has prepared a Child-friendly Justice study, which can be found here.
We are convinced that both documents can be in advance support in reflection on the solutions to the issues raised by the Children in Family Discipline consultation.
The event was led and supervised by the deputy ombudsman Tone Dolčič.
P R O G R A M (only in Slovene)
Otrok v družinskem sporu
Rdeča dvorana, Pravna fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
Četrtek, 14. 5. 2015
8.00 – 8.45 Registracija udeležencev
9.00 Pozdravni govori:
Dr. Grega Strban, prodekan Pravne fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
Mitja Bervar, predsednik Državnega sveta Republike Slovenije
Vlasta Nussdorfer, varuhinja človekovih pravic
Darja Groznik, predsednica Zveze prijateljev mladine Slovenije
9.15 Predstava »Stiska mladega Filipa«, mladinska amaterska gledališka skupina
9.45 1. sklop
9.45 Ludvik Poljanec, pooblaščenec skupine očetov
9.55 Boštjan Verstovšek, odvetnik
10.05 Valerija Stušek, Odvetniška pisarna Stušek, d. o. o.:
Odvetniški vidik otrok v družinskih sporih (pdf)
10.30 Odmor
11.00 2. sklop
11.00 Mag. Darja Kuzmanič Korva, Skupnost centrov za socialno delo
CSD in Zaščita otrokovih koristi v družinskih sporih (pdf)
11.10 Mag. Martina Jenkole, projekt Zagovornik – glas otroka:
Zagovornik kot glas otroka
11.20 Mag. Meta Pristavec, Okrožno sodišče Kranj:
Večplastnost dodelitve mladoletnih otrok (pdf)
11.30 Irena Kosovel, družinska mediatorka:
Družinska mediacija in zaščita otrokovih pravic (pdf)
11.40 Bojana Moškrič, Inštitut za klinično psihologijo in psihoterapijo:
Kjer se prepirata dva ... otrok trpi (Otrok v izvedenskem postopku) - povzetek (pdf)
PPT predstavitev (pdf)
11.50 Lan Vošnjak, Varuh človekovih pravic:
Varstvo in vzgoja otrok - vpogled v vzorec odločitev Okrožnega sodišča v Ljubljani (pdf)
12.30 Odmor za kosilo
13.45 3. sklop
13.45 Neža Miklič, Generalna policijska uprava:
Razveza kot rizični faktor za nasilje (pdf)
13.55 Mirjam Kline, Okrožno državno tožilstvo:
Tožilski pogled na problematiko neplačevanja preživnin in odvzema mladoletne osebe (pdf)
14:05 Katja Zabukovec Kerin, Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo:
Izkušnje Društva za nenasilno komunikacijo pri delu z otroki in njihovimi (pdf)
starši ob razvezah zaradi nasilja
14.15 Dr. Andreja Poljanec, Študijsko-raziskovalni center za družino:
Ločitev je za otroka vedno čustveni napor (pdf)
14.45 Razprava
15.45 Sklepne ugotovitve, odzivi in predlogi
Irma Kirin, Okrožno sodišče v Ljubljani, vodja Oddelka za družinsko sodstvo
Mag. Ružica Boškić, Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti,
generalna direktorica Direktorata za družino
Tone Dolčič, namestnik varuhinje človekovih pravic: Zaključek posveta