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Prime Minister Receives Human Rights Ombudsman's Report

Human Rights Ombudsman Zdenka Cebasek Travnik handed on Monday to PM Pahor the annual Human Rights Report, which draws attention to the inefficiency of the oversight institutions and to certain legislative shortcomings. The report is to be discussed at the government session in October.

Cebasek Travnik said that in some cases the existing legislation, especially the laws dealing with labour relations and mental health, did not envisage sanctions for blatant violations of human rights, while in other cases the adoption of the necessary laws was unreasonably delayed.

PM Pahor acknowledged that the oversight institutions often failed to live up to the expectations of the citizens and announced that the government would make the efficiency of labour, environment and social inspections its priority in the future.

He agreed with Cebasek Travnik that greater efficiency would not necessarily require new employment, as it could be achieved by means of transfers within the public sector and additional training.

The ombudsman regretted the fact that her initiative regarding the founding of the national human rights institution was not heard, even though several ministers expressed support for the idea.

She expects that the project will be discussed at the government session which is to take place in October.
