Varuh ДЌlovekovih pravic



Ombudsman and Minister of Education on various topics

The Human Rights Ombudsman, Dr Zdenka Čebašek-Travnik, invited the Minister of Education and Sport, Dr Igor Lukšič, to a working visit.

The Ombudsman informed the Minister of certain issues that are being dealt with by the Human Rights Ombudsman of the RS and that also concern the Ministry of Education and Sport. The following topics were discussed:
•    the excessive performance-driven orientation of the school system;
•    the single-record system for enrolling a child in kindergarten, ensuring wages to kindergarten employees;
•    inadequate limitation of rights by a number of implementing regulations for children with special needs;
•    envisaged changes in the School Meals Act (care for responsible ordering and consumption of food, possibility of food choice);  
•    equal opportunities of applicants for principals and other pedagogical workers subsequent to the adoption of the Act Amending the Organisation and Financing of Education Act.
They also discussed a number of issues in the area of sport (the attitude of the society towards the sports results achieved by disabled persons, the status of adolescent sportsmen in clubs, inappropriate methods used by coaches, psychological violence and disrespect of the personal dignity of young sportsmen).  The two agreed that their next meeting would focus on allegedly unequal opportunities in the process of primary and secondary education.
