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Human Rights Ombudsman met NGOs

Non-governmental organisations and other representatives of civil society concerned with immigrants and asylum seekers complained of faulty communication with the government, notably the Interior Ministry, as they met Ombudsman DR. Zdenka Cebasek - Travnik on Wednesday, 15. 9. 2010.
They highlighted that their suggestions were rarely taken into consideration.

The state seems to obstruct rather than help their activities, the NGOs and other representatives of civil society said, quoting the example of irregular funding of approved programmes of legal aid for asylum seekers.

The proposed changes to the legislation on international protection still do not meet the standards under the Geneva convention on refugees, NGO officials told the ombudsman.

They disagree with the proposal limiting international protection to citizens of third countries that are not EU members and the solution under which it will no longer be possible to apply for international protection at Slovenian embassies and consulates.

The proposal that does not secure free legal aid at the first instance is completely unacceptable to the NGOs.

The meeting also discussed the regulation of the status of the erased and problems of foreign migrant workers.

Representatives of PIC, the legal aid centre for NGOs, Peace Institute, Amnesty International Slovenia, NGO Skala, Jesuit Refugee Service and the Civil Initiative of Erased agreed to meet the ombudsman regularly on topics such as international protection, the erased, foreign policies, and migrant workers.
