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The National Preventive Mechanism visited the Unit for Forensic Psychiatry in Maribor

On 2 October 2017, the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) visited the Maribor University Medical Centre, Department of Psychiatry, Unit for Forensic Psychiatry (the Unit).
This was an inspection visit in the framework of the implementation of the tasks of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM). As an exception, the visit was announced on this occasion. The visit was conducted by Ivan Šelih, Deputy Ombudsman, mag. Jure Markič, the Ombudsman’s adviser, Robert Gačnik, senior councillor, Nika Mori, representative of the non-governmental organisation Novi paradoks, and Dr Peter Kastner, an external expert and member of the Austrian NPM.

In April, the Unit was visited by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), which also prepared a report on its visit. In addition to commendation, the report also includes some recommendations intended for the improvement of the condition at the Unit and for an improved situation for the patients. The purpose of this NPM visit was to examine whether the given recommendations are being respected and if the situation has improved.

Based on an interview with the Unit management, the visit to the premises and talks with the patients and the residents, the NPM established that unfortunately no great progress has been achieved (yet). Even though we were able to find out that the Unit has been thinking about potential solutions and improvements, we cannot avoid the fact that the NPM had already warned of most of the deficiencies in past visits in 2014 and 2016.
Therefore, there has undoubtedly been a lot of time to find solutions. However, regardless of the above, individual shifts, particularly the opening of additional premises (E1) show that they are willing to comply with the recommendations. If the Ministry of Health and consequently the Maribor University Medical Centre listen to this by ensuring the necessary assets, we believe that the situation will (even) have improved the next time we come to visit.

A particularly important aspect of the visit was Dr Peter Kastner’s cooperation, as he gave his views on the situation at the Unit based on his rich experience and indicated potential solutions for the improvement. Therefore, the NPM again established that, in principle, the living conditions at the Unit are good, and even during the visit, we pointed out the (re-)established deficiencies to ensure that the situation for the patients improve further, and they will also be included in the report on the visit in the form of recommendations.
