Varuh človekovih pravic



Varuh gostil mlade simulatorje evropskega parlamenta

Varuh človekovih pravic Matjaž Hanžek je od ponedeljka, 8. aprila, do srede, 10. aprila, gostil 18 dijakov, ki so vključeni v mednarodni projekt Model evropskega parlamenta. Cilj projekta, ki se ga letos udeležuje skupno 178 dijakov, je seznaniti učence srednjih šol z delovanjem evropskega parlamenta. Izbrani srednješolci enkrat letno vsakič v drugi državi simulirajo zasedanje parlamenta in vseh njegovih odborov. Projekt poteka že več let, letos pa je bil prvič izveden v državi, ki še ni članica Evropske unije, zato je v projektu izjemoma sodeloval tudi slovenski dijak.

Varuh je pozdravil mlade goste, ki so skozi simulacijo evropskega Komiteja za pravne in notranje zadeve letos obravnavali problematiko ksenofobije. Ob tej priložnosti jih je spomnil, da je 8. april mednarodni dan Romov in jim orisal romsko problematiko v Sloveniji. Predstavil jim je sklepe nedavno končane mednarodne konference v Litvi, kjer so evropski ombudsmani med drugim govorili tudi o diskriminaciji Romov v luči pravice do izobraževanja, in jim orisal je konkretne primere ksenofobije v slovenskem prostoru na katere je naletel pri svojem delu.

Mladi simulatorji evropskega parlamenta so po zaključku dela sprejeli resolucijo o vprašanju boja zoper ksenofonbijo in rasizem v Evropi, ki jo v angleškem jeziku v celoti najdete na  spletni strani . Mladi parlamentarci bodo v petek in soboto resolucije obravnavali v državnem zboru.

The Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market

Resolution on the question how to combat effectively xenophobia and racism in Europe

The Model European Parliament

A. Fully alarmed by the extent of the increasing problem of racism and xenophobia in the European union shown for example by the increasing popularity of political parties that have connections within extremist groups and that have racist aims.

B. Recognising the lack of integration of ethnic minorities and that this is due to both the minorities and the majorities

C. Noticing the grouping together of homes of the same ethnic groups

(i) Due to voluntarily and cultural reasons.

(ii) Due to the government.

(iii) Due to economic reasons.

D. Deeply concerned by the lack of understanding and teaching of other cultures and the problems this causes.

E. Recognising the need to combat xenophobia, racism, and segregation  from an early age.

F. Fully alarmed by the easy access and existence of racist material in the media and especially on the internet.

G. Further deploring the lack of objectivity by the media that is able to lead to racism and xenophobia.

H. Deeply disturbed by cases of racist reactions by the police and other public institutions.

I. Alarmed by the unemployment of ethnic minorities which could be caused by the non recognition of foreign qualification.

J. Noting with regret the inhumane living conditions of asylum seekers in some European countries which may cause xenophobia.

K. Noting with satisfaction the success of the European year against racism in 1997.


1. Expresses its hope that in the future there will be committees dealing with the problem of how to combat racism and xenophobia effectively

2. Approves of the voluntary movement of locals into areas with a great concentration of  ethnic minorities in order to encourage integration.

3. Recommends the increase of incentives for members of  ethnic minorities to move to different areas in order to encourage integration.

4. Calls upon a European watchdog to encourage the governments of member states to stop grouping together the homes of ethnic minorities.

5. Encourages that ethnic councils shall be set up in schools where they are needed.

6. Urges government to train teachers how to integrate children especially those in primary school.

7. Requests that the board of education of each country is made aware of the importance of integration from an early age, by including cultural education within the national curriculum.

8. Calls for the establishment of a committee which aims to provide solutions to the problems with Internet racism and xenophobia by the European Union.

9. Encourages an increase of publicity campaigns against racism and calls for the support of the media concerning the spreading of anti-racist messages.

10. Encourage ethnically diverse police forces and ensure the training of racial awareness to the police and other institutions including the media.

11. Recommends ensuring that employers are fully aware of foreign qualifications so that applicants are able to receive equal opportunities.

12. Encourages the improvement of living conditions of asylum seekers by setting up centres, or giving financial aid to already existing centres.

13. Urges the speeding up of the decision making process regarding asylum seeking.

14. Recommends the setting up of optional job creation schemes to help improve the living conditions in the aforementioned centres.

15. Expresses its hope that programs established in 1997 will be further continued and that there will be future years against racism.

16. Asks for harsher punishment for racist crimes, as the current punishments are not combating xenophobia and racism effectively.

17. Instructs the President to forward the resolution to the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of Ministers.


