The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic od Slovenia, in cooperation with the State Council of the Republic of Slovenia, has organized a conference entitled Reflections on issues at the end of life.
It was held on Thursday, October 26, 2017, at 9 am in the National Council Hall, at Parliament's premises, Šubičeva 4, Ljubljana.
At the conference, the presenters from the humanistic, legal and medical field presented their thoughts, with which we tried to find answers to some topical issues related to palliative care and euthanasia.
The first part of the consultation was devoted primarily to the humanistic-legal aspect of the issues concerning the end of life, while in the second part the medical aspect of care at the expiration of life. We were wondering whether it is enough just to provide palliative care and what are the challenges in this area in the present and the future. The positions of the Commission of the Republic of Slovenia for medical ethics regarding euthanasia will also be presented.
Reflections on issues at the end of life

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