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The noise during regular civil defence training at the Poček training ground disrupted the students' learning process

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The Ombudsman found that the implementation of regular civil defence training during the vocational and general matriculation exams in mathematics disrupted the learning process for students from nearby schools, and as a result, these students were not guaranteed the same opportunities as students in other parts of Slovenia. The Ombudsman estimated that by intervening with all stakeholders, he succeeded in recognising the problem and began to solve it through joint cooperation.

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The Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (Ombudsman) considered a complaint related to noise during military exercises at the Poček training ground, in which it was pointed out that pupils and students studying near the training ground should be provided with the same conditions for ending the school year as applies to other parts of Slovenia. It emerged from the complaint that it had already been pointed out in previous years that the June fixture for conducting military exercises in the immediate vicinity of the school is inappropriate, since the vocational and general matriculation exams are held then. The example of the mathematics exam in the general and vocational matriculation exams in June 2023 was highlighted, when regular training of the Postojna Civil Defence headquarters was also being conducted, which was excessively disturbing for the students.

The Ministry of Education and Training (MVI) explained to the Ombudsman that they will try to hold a meeting as soon as possible with representatives of the Ministry of Education, the Slovenian Army, the local community and the management of schools in the vicinity of the training ground, as military exercises pose a problem in ensuring a high-quality learning process in schools situated near the central training ground. The MVI stated that they would propose that such meetings become permanent before the start of the school year and that schools could properly prepare for military exercises by organising other activities that would not necessarily require children to be at school, or that military exercises be held during the holidays.

The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia (MORS) informed the Ombudsman that the Slovenian Army is working extremely hard to ensure that military activities at any location disrupt and burden citizens and the environment as little as possible. It regularly informs about all its military activities via websites or other media. The Slovenian Army represents the defence forces of the Republic of Slovenia. The country's military defence is carried out independently or in cooperation with allied countries within the framework of NATO on the basis of international treaties. The Alliance can only be successful in its mission by conducting joint training, exercises and exercises both at home and abroad. The area of ​​the Central Training Centre of the Slovenian Army Postojna (OSVAD) has a strategic importance in the country's defence system. It is the only area in the Republic of Slovenia where more demanding forms of training of the Slovenian Army are carried out. Without OSVAD, the Slovenian Army cannot fulfil its first task and its mission from Article 37 of the Defence Act, i.e. training and education for the conduct of armed struggle for the defence of the country. In the defence system of the Republic of Slovenia, they are aware that their activities also affect the life of the civilian environment, so they always strive to inform the public in a timely manner about their activities, which they carry out independently or with partner armies. Military exercises are a necessary component of the activities of the Slovenian Army and as such are inevitable. MORS emphasised that they will try to make these activities less disruptive to the local population in the future and that together with the mayor of the Municipality of Postojna, they will find solutions so that in cases of larger activities, classes in schools can run as smoothly as possible.

The MVI subsequently explained that it had convened a meeting with MORS representatives with the aim of finding a possible solution for adjusting the training activities of the Slovenian Army at Poček in such a way as to ensure the smoothest possible implementation of the educational programme in kindergartens and schools that are near or affected by the military training field. At the meeting, they confronted the views on the highlighted problems and discussed the possibilities of finding a more permanent solution. At the meeting, it was explained that in the coming year, the number of activities of the Slovenian Army and their intensity will be adjusted and reduced. Despite everything, some activities at Poček must be carried out with the aim of ensuring an active and trained Slovenian Army. It is important, however, that these activities disrupt the environment as little as possible. At the same time, it was explained that MORS had commissioned an environmental report, from which it follows that systematic noise measurements were carried out at seven locations, which did not show excessive deviations from the noise caused by normal daily noise (highway). The problem is mainly the activities with jet aircraft, namely aircraft overflights and shooting at targets, as well as occasional shooting with larger weapons, which cause louder noise. These activities will have to be adjusted and reduced as much as possible if they want to adapt to the complaint of the surrounding residents. MORS emphasised at the meeting that they will strive to take into account the dynamics of educational processes and the school calendar, especially that military training activities will not be carried out when pupils are taking the national knowledge test. They will also consider the best options for the benefit of students and the smooth running of classes. Therefore, it will be necessary to make use of the time of the school holidays, and also to adjust the flight regime of the planes, namely the height and time of the flight. Each activity will be announced in advance. The adjustment plan will be coordinated beforehand with the local community and then within MORS and the Slovenian Army. In this regard, MORS emphasised that a group has already been established for cooperation with the local community and for the cooperation of the Slovenian Army with the entire local population. They are also planning to appoint a coordinator who would communicate monthly with MORS, the Slovenian Army and the local community and coordinate activities. In the discussion, the MVI suggested that the explanations received should be forwarded to all educational institutions in the area of ​​influence of the Poček training ground, so that employees and other stakeholders would better understand the situation and be empowered regarding the implementation of military training activities. The proposal was accepted by MORS. At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that the state secretary of MORS and the state secretary of the MVI would attend a meeting with the principals of educational institutions in Postojna, as well as with representatives of the local community.

On the basis of the above, the Ombudsman considered the complaint to be well-founded, since the regular civil defence training during the vocational and general matriculation exams in mathematics disrupted the learning process for students from nearby schools, and as a result, these students were not guaranteed the same opportunities as students in schools in other parts of Slovenia. The Ombudsman estimates that by intervening with all stakeholders, he succeeded in recognising the problem and starting to solve it through joint cooperation. At the same time, the Ombudsman welcomed the presented solutions of the MVI and MORS and expressed the hope that they will also be realised in practice.19.1-26/2023 and 19.1-43/2023

