Varuh ДЌlovekovih pravic

The Ombudsman met the representatives of the Council of Europe's Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities about the situation in Slovenia

Ombudsman Peter Svetina and Deputy Ombudsman Miha Horvat attended a virtual meeting with representatives of the Council of Europe's Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, who are currently visiting Slovenia. The Advisory Committee is preparing its fifth periodic report on the situation regarding the implementation of the Convention’s rights in Slovenia. It will make recommendations for improvements to Slovenia based on its findings on the situation and actions taken so far in this area.

Deputy Ombudsman Miha Horvat briefed the representatives of the Committee on the observations of the Ombudsman institution. These are based on the consideration of complaints from individuals who have written to the Ombudsman alleging that their human rights have been violated according to their own analyses of individual issues and field visits. The representatives of the Committee were also interested in the Ombudsman's assessment of the situation of national communities, which are not mentioned in the Slovenian Constitution.

The Ombudsman is also preparing a special report for the Advisory Committee on certain shortcomings in the implementation of the human rights of minorities and ethnic communities.
