Varuh človekovih pravic

Initiatives and broader issues


While using the zVEM portal, a complainant whose daughter had an appointment to be examined by an orthodontist accidentally discovered a few months...

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Varuh je bil opozorjen, da naj bi v letu 2023 iz programa financiranja izpadlo letovanja šolarjev v zdravstvenih kolonijah, udeležbe v organiziranih...

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The Ombudsman was informed by the complainants and representatives of persons with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) about the problems of these persons...

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Pobudnica se je pritoževala, da njena mati, stara 77 let, ne zmore uporabljati informacijskega sistema IRIS, ki naj bi se uvajal v Zdravstvenem domu...

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Pobudniki so opozorili na težave pri dostopu do zobozdravstvenih storitev pod splošno anestezijo za osebe s posebnimi potrebami. Te osebe, predvsem...

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The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia believes that, when dealing with the issue of meeting the conditions to obtain the right to an...

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A complainant informed us of issues pertaining to recovery from COVID-19. She believes that the introduced measures violate her freedom of movement...

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In the event of force majeure that substantially alters the conditions of care provided to persons who were the recipients of services offering...

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In her initiative submitted to the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, the petitioner described her family's experience with the...

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