Work out of office
For all those that cannot come personally to Ljubljana, the Human Rights Ombudsman holds consultations out of office. On average once a month he and his staff visit a particular part of Slovenia. This is an opportunity for individuals who make a prior request for an interview, to meet with him and to present to him whatever difficulties they are having. Information on when and where interviews will take place and the method of submitting requests are published in the media and on our website. A rough schedule is also made up for the coming few months.
The Ombudsman has not forgotten about those that have been deprived of their liberty. The National Preventive mechanism (NPM) is an independent national body whose officers and members visit persons deprived of their liberty and the places where these persons are detained or could be detained. The NPM is committed to strengthening the protection of persons deprived of their liberty against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.