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On 5 April 2023, Deputy Human Rights Ombudsman Dr Jože Ruparčič, responsible at the institution of the Human Rights Ombudsman for children’s rights,...

On 2 April, International Autism Awareness Day, the Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina finds that once again nothing has happened in the past year...

On 17 March 2023, Deputy Ombudsman Dr Jože Ruparčič participated at the 33rd City Children’s Parliament in the Town Hall in Ljubljana. This time,...

The Human Rights Ombudsman (Ombudsman) has been monitoring the events revolving around the removal of three children since the very beginning and has...

At the meeting with principals on 21/02/2023, which took place in the premises of the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, the...

“The wardrobe contained four hats. Mr. Konstantin puts the first one on when the sun is shining. The second one’s a rain hat, but it’s always dry…”...

Nearing the end of the calendar year, on 14 December 2022, Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina and his deputy, who is responsible for children’s...

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is commemorated on 25 November, the Human Rights...