Varuh ДЌlovekovih pravic

On 14 December 2022, consultant-analyst at the Centre for Human Rights Jerneja Turin participated at the dramaturgical board discussing the topic of...

“The wardrobe contained four hats. Mr. Konstantin puts the first one on when the sun is shining. The second one’s a rain hat, but it’s always dry…”...

Nearing the end of the calendar year, on 14 December 2022, Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina and his deputy, who is responsible for children’s...

The Slovenian Scouts brought the Light of Peace from Bethlehem to the Ombudsman Peter Svetina. This year's message, Rise and Shine! encourages us to...

Based on applications received in the call for the collection of proposals for potential candidates for Deputy Ombudsman, which was published on 18...

The Ombudsman was briefed on the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia in connection with the third part of the request...

Slovenia’s President Borut Pahor visited the Human Rights Ombudsman of Slovenia on 12 December 2022. Since 14 January 2019, when President Pahor...