Varuh človekovih pravic

Freedom of conscience and expression

Today, on 11 October 2022, in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ombudsman Peter Svetina presented two reports for 2021, the...

Today, 7 October 2022, the National Assembly's Committee on Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Disability considered the 27th regular annual report of...

On 14 September 2022, the Ombudsman Peter Svetina attended a joint session of the competent Commission for State Regulation and the interested...

Today, on 31 August 2022, the Ombudsman Peter Svetina responded to the public appeal by the Radio and Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenija)...

Today, 13 July 2022, Slovenia’s Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina held a getting-to-know-you meeting with Minister of the Interior Tatjana Bobnar....

Today, on 1 June 2022, Ombudsman Peter Svetina opened the Ombudsman’s special collection at the Bežigrad library. In his opening speech, Mr Svetina...

On the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, which is celebrated on 17 May and this year focuses on

digital technologies...

The Human Rights Ombudsman (Ombudsman) has, for many years, been noticing and pointing out that the situation related to freedom of expression in...

Ombudsman Peter Svetina responded to the invitation of European Parliament Fact-Finding Mission representatives, who conducted interviews in Slovenia...