Varuh človekovih pravic

Initiatives and broader issues


Po mnenju Varuha človekovih pravic Republike Slovenije predstavlja poseg v določbe 2., 14. in 57. člena Ustave RS, če se veljavne predpise razume na...

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The complainant approached the Ombudsman and requested help in extending the lease agreement for official lodgings owned by the Ministry of Defence....

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Varuha človekovih pravic je pobudnik seznanil s svojo stisko zaradi odklopa elektrike v preteklem letu. Podrobnejših okoliščin, ki so botrovale...

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Če je posameznemu dijaku onemogočen ali oviran dostop do obvezne prakse v okviru šolskega programa zaradi nezmožnosti vključitve v zavarovanje za...

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Pobudnik je Varuhu podrobno izrazil nestrinjanje z zdravljenjem svoje matere na Oddelku za nevrološke bolezni v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru...

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The Human Rights Ombudsman believes that individuals must be enabled to take the matura exams with adjustments according to their disabilities,...

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The medical treatment of incarcerated persons is important, as every individual has the right to dignified treatment and health care. In doing so, it...

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According to the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, it is contrary to the provisions of the Personal Assistance Act (ZOA) when the...

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Following the intervention of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (Ombudsman), the second-instance decision of the Pension and...

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