Varuh človekovih pravic

Social Security


Pobudnica se je pritoževala, da njena mati, stara 77 let, ne zmore uporabljati informacijskega sistema IRIS, ki naj bi se uvajal v Zdravstvenem domu...

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Če odločitve o pravicah posameznikov niso obrazložene na način, da bi jih bilo mogoče razumeti in s tem omogočiti učinkovito vlaganje pravnih...

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Varuh človekovih pravic Republike Slovenije lahko izjemoma učinkovito pomaga tudi posameznikom, pri katerih sicer ni prišlo do posegov v njihove...

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Pobudniki so opozorili na težave pri dostopu do zobozdravstvenih storitev pod splošno anestezijo za osebe s posebnimi potrebami. Te osebe, predvsem...

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The Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZPIZ) explained to a petitioner, a pensioner with a permanent residence in Slovenia, that...

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Examining the wider issue on the basis of a specific complaint, the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (Ombudsman) considered the...

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The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia believes that, when dealing with the issue of meeting the conditions to obtain the right to an...

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The Ombudsman found that the social work centre unjustifiably intervened in the complainant’s right to vacation pay and leave of absence by including...

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A complainant informed us of issues pertaining to recovery from COVID-19. She believes that the introduced measures violate her freedom of movement...

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