Varuh človekovih pravic

Initiatives and broader issues


Varuh je bil opozorjen, da naj bi v letu 2023 iz programa financiranja izpadlo letovanja šolarjev v zdravstvenih kolonijah, udeležbe v organiziranih...

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A complainant who accused several bodies of violating human rights and fundamental freedoms in the case of entrusting the care and education of...

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The complainant, who lives in a residential unit of the Community for Young People on Gerbičeva street in Ljubljana and rents a bed, was refused an...

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If some students do not take all the components of the lunch or leave the food, this cannot be a justifiable reason for reducing the amount of meals....

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In 2021, the Ombudsman contacted the Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Child Support Fund of the Republic of Slovenia (the Fund) in the...

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Štipendist, ki kot izjemni dosežek za priznanje pravice do Zoisove štipendije uveljavlja objavo znanstvenoraziskovalne naloge ali znanstvenega...

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Varuh človekovih pravic Republike Slovenije lahko izjemoma učinkovito pomaga tudi posameznikom, pri katerih sicer ni prišlo do posegov v njihove...

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Pobudniki so opozorili na težave pri dostopu do zobozdravstvenih storitev pod splošno anestezijo za osebe s posebnimi potrebami. Te osebe, predvsem...

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As the Government of the Republic of Slovenia gave parents the option relating to the self-testing of children in schools as per the Ordinance on the...

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Examining the wider issue on the basis of a specific complaint, the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (Ombudsman) considered the...

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