Varuh človekovih pravic

Initiatives and broader issues


The Ombudsman assessed the conduct of the Maribor Regional Unit of the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance of Slovenia in the event of an...

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The Ombudsman welcomes the decision of the Ministry of Education and Training to actively focus on systemic changes that will improve the...

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The Ombudsman discussed the issue of payment of travel expenses to a person who is included in a training, work and care centre. The fact that two...

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The Human Rights Ombudsman believes that individuals must be enabled to take the matura exams with adjustments according to their disabilities,...

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Varuh meni, da bi Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje v ugotovitvenih postopkih, v katerih je to mogoče, namesto dokaza z izvedenskim...

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The Ombudsman believes that it is possible to reduce the scope of the previously recognised right to personal assistance if the individual is provided...

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Pobudnica se je pritoževala, da njena mati, stara 77 let, ne zmore uporabljati informacijskega sistema IRIS, ki naj bi se uvajal v Zdravstvenem domu...

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Če odločitve o pravicah posameznikov niso obrazložene na način, da bi jih bilo mogoče razumeti in s tem omogočiti učinkovito vlaganje pravnih...

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Pobudniki so opozorili na težave pri dostopu do zobozdravstvenih storitev pod splošno anestezijo za osebe s posebnimi potrebami. Te osebe, predvsem...

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