Varuh človekovih pravic

Social services


If the user of the institutional care service is not enabled guaranteed means for at least basic subsistence during several days of pre-announced...

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According to the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, the principle of good governance from Article 3 of the Human Rights Ombudsman Act is violated...

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Individuals who have an irregular status of residence in the country, even though they reside there permanently, and who have found themselves in a...

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The Ombudsman believes that it is possible to reduce the scope of the previously recognised right to personal assistance if the individual is provided...

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Če odločitve o pravicah posameznikov niso obrazložene na način, da bi jih bilo mogoče razumeti in s tem omogočiti učinkovito vlaganje pravnih...

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The Ombudsman found that the social work centre unjustifiably intervened in the complainant’s right to vacation pay and leave of absence by including...

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If the personal assistance user is waived assistance only because they do not fulfil the RVT condition, this presents an intervention in the rights of...

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