Varuh človekovih pravic

Initiatives and broader issues


As the Government of the Republic of Slovenia gave parents the option relating to the self-testing of children in schools as per the Ordinance on the...

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A complainant informed us of issues pertaining to recovery from COVID-19. She believes that the introduced measures violate her freedom of movement...

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If the personal assistance user is waived assistance only because they do not fulfil the RVT condition, this presents an intervention in the rights of...

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At the time of the coronavirus epidemic, many people found themselves in a difficult financial situation, as they were left without work and income....

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In her initiative submitted to the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, the petitioner described her family's experience with the...

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Shortly after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Ombudsman was asked for assistance by a petitioner who, due to a physical handicap, had been...

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Redno izvajanje sodne oblasti je ob izrednih dogodkih (kot so naravne in druge hujše nesreče, večje epidemije ali podobni večji izredni dogodki) lahko...

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On 29 March 2020, the Act on provisional measures for judicial, administrative and other public matters to cope with the spread of infectious disease...

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