Varuh ДЌlovekovih pravic

Public relations

Nataša Kuzmič - B.A. (Journalism)
Advisor to the Ombudsman for Public Relations
Phone: +386 1 475 00 35, +386 41 845 811
E-mail: natasa.kuzmic(at)

Eva Uranjek, B.A. (Journalism)
Advisor to the Ombudsman for Public Relations
Phone: +368 1 475 00 68, +386 41 950 349
E-mail: eva.uranjek(at)

In the field of communication and promotion The Human rights Ombudsman institution is also user-oriented. Our goal is to be an effective service for everyone looking for information about the work of Ombudsman or are interested in our views on current issues. The media representatives are certainly one of our most important interlocutors, as they often represent a link to the people we address with our messages. Appropriate style and manner of communication largely characterize every organization and influence its image in public, so the Ombudsman strives for proactive, planned, thoughtful and goal-oriented communication activities. Through various communication approaches, tools and communication channels, we ensure our active role in discussions on human rights issues, strengthen the importance and visibility of the institution as a credible interlocutor and raise awareness of the importance of respect for human rights or. fundamental freedoms.

You can follow our work through this website (Press releases) or via our social media channels Facebook and X.