About us
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Pending the election of a new Ombudsman for a new term of office, the Deputy Ombudsman Ivan Šelih has temporarily assumed the leadership of the institution in accordance with Article 17 of the Ombudsman Act and the Decision on the order of replacement of the Ombudsman.
The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia is an independent institution, which contributes to the protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Slovenia through the investigation of the complaints, submission of opinions and recommendations to any authority, addressing pressing human rights issues, conducting on-sight inspections, conducting human rights education, research, through cooperation with civil society as well as through own initiatives and statements on legislative proposals.
The Ombudsman is elected by the Parliament of Slovenia upon the proposal of the President of the Republic. Parliament elects also two to four Deputy-Ombudsmen on Ombudsman’s initiative. The Ombudsman is in his work not limited to handling direct violations, however this is one of his main activities. The election, powers and tasks of the Ombudsman are provided in the Constitution and in the Human Rights Ombudsman Act (by now also several other Acts provide the Ombudsman with respective powers and/or tasks).
Overseer of authorities
The Ombudsman deals with individual complaints sent by applicants in which they claim that their human rights have been violated by any state authority, local self-government body or holder of public authority. The Ombudsman may submit opinions to any authority on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in a case under consideration. The Ombudsman may also initiate a procedure for the review of the constitutionality or legality for reasons of human rights or fundamental freedoms violations and a constitutional complaint in relation to a case under his review before the Constitutional Court of Slovenia.
Annual Reports
The Ombudsman submits an annual report to the Parliament of Slovenia in which he evaluates the state of human rights violations by the authorities, explains his activities and findings as well as provides recommendations to the authorities. The Report is publicly discussed each year at the Plenary Session of the Parliament.
National Prevention Mechanism
The Office of the Ombudsman acts also as a National Prevention Mechanism under Article 3 of the OP CAT. This task includes cooperation with civil society on this issue of the deprivation of liberty.
Child Advocacy
Within the Office of the Ombudsman Child Advocacy in organised for the purpose to provide professional assistance to a child when expressing its opinion in all proceedings and matters involving the child, and also to forward the child’s opinion to the competent bodies and institutions deciding on the child’s rights and benefits.
Center for Human Rights
Center for Human Rights was established in 2019 within the Ombudsman’s Office. It has a general mandate and is tasked in particular with the promotion of human rights, human rights education, organization of consultations, providing informing, preparing analyses and reports, cooperating with civil society, trade unions and state authorities as well as with relevant international and regional institutions.
Human Rights Ombudsman Council
Human Rights Ombudsman Council was established in 2018 as the Ombudsman’s consultative body. It functions on the basis of the principle of plurality, professional and autonomy and may address any human rights issue on its own initiative. It consists of a president and sixteen members (includ