Varuh človekovih pravic RS v marcu, aprilu in maju 2025 načrtuje novo usposabljanje kandidatov za zagovornike otrok z območja celotne Slovenije. Prednost pri izbiri imajo kandidati z območij: SV dela Slovenije, Goriške, Notranjske, Krasa in Južne Primorske, območja Celja, Koroške in Zasavja ter Dolenjske, Posavja in Bele Krajine. Več s klikom na naslov.
Strengthening Ombudsman Institutions and Addressing Emerging Human Rights Challenges
Rikli Balance Hotel, Bled, Slovenia, 5 and 6 December 2024
The high-level conference aims to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia by bringing together heads of institutions and other international and national experts, practitioners, and policy-makers to discuss the effectiveness of Ombudsman institutions (OIs) and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in addressing contemporary human rights challenges.
Recording of the first day of the conference